Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Red Crayon

The Red Crayon

I believe everyone should carry a red crayon.   It would save a lot of unnecessary drama.  Say a person in your life continually dances on the line of disrespect.  We all have those types in our life, they like to push the envelope, see how far they can push you before you blow your top.  A red crayon would really help in that situation.  No drama.  No unnecessary words.  You just take out your red crayon and whack them in the mouth with it.  I am kidding.  Seriously, you could take your red crayon to draw the line to indicate you have had enough.  In a perfect world that would be great.  In the real world life is not so easy.  

We have all run across situations where we have to deal with difficult people.  A lot of people choose to ignore them and allow them to continue with their meddling, backstabbing, and disrespectful behavior.  Just let it roll off your back no matter what they do.  Some of us respond to those people by being rude back or giving them attitude.  Then there are those who try to ignore them – hope they just go away, leave you alone.

I have tried all three tactics – rolling with it just caused me to stuff my anger down.  Once you stuff anger down, it has to come out somewhere, typically we take it out on our self.  How many of you have had someone do something that disrespected you and rather than say something you let it go?  I’m willing to be bet once you were alone you were stuffing yourself with food or drinking obscene amounts of alcohol.  Who were you really hurting?  Not the offender.  The same is true for the “ignore” tactic.  The “confront’ tactic has the same result with a twist – you look like a crazy person who cannot control their temper.  

Have you ever thought of using the “red crayon” tactic?  I don’t mean taking out a red crayon and really drawing a line.  I mean where you say to the person, “You have crossed my boundary.  You are being disrespectful to me and I will not allow you to treat me that way” It takes self-love to stand up for yourself.  Anyone can start yelling back or acting just as rude as the offender.  It takes practice to calmly say, “No more” and stick with it.  

Setting boundaries can be hard, when we allow people to loosely bounce around our boundaries we are saying it is acceptable to treat me in that manner.  It is important to keep in mind when setting a boundary you do not have to be rude, you just have to be firm.  Make sure the boundary you set is clear.  In my case I made it clear I would not tolerate being treated less than an equal.  I wanted to be treated just like everyone else.  I did not tell other people I felt that way.  I told the person to their face to give them a chance to respond.  Gossiping and talking about the offender only makes the problem worse.  It fuels drama.  Most importantly remember when talking to the person not to point fingers.  You will have an easier time setting a boundary by starting by saying, “I feel like this … when you do that” 

When you set your boundary be prepared for resistance or the mob mentality.  People do not like to have their poor behavior pointed out to them.  They may become defensive, call names, or other immature behavior.  You may be surprised that some people do not even realize they are acting that way or that you are taking it that way. No matter the outcome stick to your boundary.  It may be difficult and people will try to make you feel uncomfortable, in the long run your growing sense of self-love/respect will be more than worth it.  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday Celebrations

Birthday Celebrations

Birthday celebrations are funny things.  It is our special day and we want to celebrate another year on this earth.  Yet look how we choose to celebrate?  We over eat on food that damages our body.  We drink to excess.  We abuse ourselves to celebrate our birth.  Sadly, we have been taught to believe this is alright.  It’s your birthday eat three pieces of cake or drink until you puke.  How does that make sense?

Have you ever thought of celebrating your birthday by doing something that nurtures you not harms you.  I’m not saying eating cake and drinking alcohol on your birthday is a bad thing.  I believe we should all have bliss foods and bliss days.  Your birthday should be an entire day of “bliss”.  I always celebrated my birthday by eating so much junk I was sick by early evening and just wanted to go to bed.  I considered that a wonderful birthday.  Really?  Abusing myself with sugar to the point of being sick is honoring my life?  That is just nuts.   

This year I did something different.  I did something that truly honored my life.  I enjoyed my day without abusing food.  I still had two birthday cakes, ice cream and white cake with lots of sugar roses, I went to dinner with those I love the most and ordered my favorite so not healthy food.  I did something else too.  I celebrated my birth by nurturing my soul.  I spent real quality time with people I love and never seem to spend time with.  I watched the sunrise and listened to “breath” a song special for me and Lucas.  I took a nap and did not feel guilty.  I wrote in my journal.  I meditated.  I stopped to do all the things I love to do rather than eating and drinking my way through the day.  I goofed off.  I didn’t worry about my business or doing anything work related.  There would be time for work tomorrow.  Today was my day to enjoy. 

Last night before I went to bed I was not sick from sugar or alcohol.  I was full.  I knew I had eaten enough.  Most importantly, I felt truly peaceful.  I had a wonderful day.  I felt I honored myself not abused myself.  I did things I never take the time to do often.  It was the best birthday I ever had.  The best part is I woke up this morning feeling fantastic rather than heavy from sugar overload, and wanting to stay in bed to sleep it off.  I am ready to begin another year of life feeling refreshed.  

This year when your birthday rolls around ask yourself are you truly honoring your birth?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Procstraination, Fear's Best Defense

Procrastination, Fear’s Best Defense

Procrastination is a fantastic way for people to protect themselves from the things they fear.  Think about it?  People procrastinate to avoid change.  I hear people every day say they hate their job, yet, they never do anything about it.  They complain, become negative, and even abuse their bodies by over-eating and drinking.  They have become comfortable being miserable.  

We use procrastination in all areas of our life that force us to go out of our comfort zone.  For example I never use it at work.  I get all my work done, sometimes ahead of time.  I have no issues accomplishing chores around the house or volunteering to help other people.  Those things fall into my comfort zone.  It’s the scary stuff like changing careers, letting go of a relationship, losing weight, and taking the first step of making a change to improve the quality of my life that turns me into a procrastinating expert. 
Think about this, how many times have you said, “Next year at this time things will be different, I will lose that 20lbs, I will be in a good relationship, I will have the career I want, and one of my old favorites, my life will be better?”  You find yourself 10 years later still saying that.  I know how that feels.  I use to do it.  I used procrastination to protect myself from making changes that would improve my life.  Like everyone else I was afraid of failure.  

Losing weight is huge.  For some people losing weight takes away their protection.  What happens when they lose the weight if they have not done any other changes in their life?  They begin to feel disappointed because they felt weight loss would solve all their other problems and they over eat again to compensate for the other places in their life they are out of balance. 

The same thing with changing careers it takes you out of your comfort zone. You may be miserable, yet you are safe.  You become stuck in the problem rather than looking for the solution.   Maybe the solution isn’t changing careers.  Maybe the solution is changing your attitude and how you react.  It doesn’t matter what the solution is it still involves change.

Deciding to stop procrastinating and making those huge changes in your life do not have to be scary.  Yes, it will feel uncomfortable.  I believe once you leave your comfort zone your life begins to change for the better.  Don’t start off with huge goals, take baby steps.  If you are looking to change careers think about what you are passionate about.  Do research about it to see if you can make a career out of it.  If you don’t know what you are passionate about sit down and write on a piece of paper all the things you like to do.  If losing weight is your challenge think about why you want to lose the weight.  Once you do that write down on a sheet of paper what is holding you back from losing weight.  Small steps lead to big goals.

Procrastination allows us to protect ourselves from fear of failure.  We are not doomed to be stuck in an unhappy situation.  We can get un-stuck.  It takes a little work to have a huge positive outcome.  

For more information contact me at